现在我们一起来看看,用Java如何操作Microsoft Word。
jacob,官网是 这是一个开源的工具。 最新版本1. 7
官方的解释是:The JACOB Project: A JAva-COM Bridge
- jacob.jar: a JAR file for the java classes which you must add to your CLASSPATH. The package names replace com.ms with com.jacob (for example com.ms.com.Variant maps to com.jacob.com.Variant.
- jacob.dll: a small Win32 DLL which you must add to your PATH.
- samples: provided in Java source and compiled form to demonstrate various features of the product. In particular, a set of wrapper classes for Microsoft® ADO are provided as samples.
JDK 1.6
MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench Version: 7.0 Milestone-1
Tomcat 5.5.27
我的jacob版本是1.14.3 。
这里有一个MSWordManager 类,是jacob官方发布的工具类,里面有大多数Java操作MS Office的工具。
package com.test; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent; import com.jacob.com.Dispatch; import com.jacob.com.Variant; public class MSWordManager { // word文档 private Dispatch doc; // word运行程序对象 private ActiveXComponent word; // 所有word文档集合 private Dispatch documents; // 选定的范围或插入点 private Dispatch selection; private boolean saveOnExit = true; /** *//** * * @param visible 为true表示word应用程序可见 */ public MSWordManager( boolean visible) { if (word == null) { word = new ActiveXComponent( "Word.Application"); word.setProperty( "Visible", new Variant(visible)); } if (documents == null) documents = word.getProperty( "Documents").toDispatch(); } /** *//** * 设置退出时参数 * * @param saveOnExit boolean true-退出时保存文件,false-退出时不保存文件 */ public void setSaveOnExit( boolean saveOnExit) { this.saveOnExit = saveOnExit; } /** *//** * 创建一个新的word文档 * */ public void createNewDocument() { doc = Dispatch.call(documents, "Add").toDispatch(); selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch(); } /** *//** * 打开一个已存在的文档 * * @param docPath */ public void openDocument(String docPath) { closeDocument(); doc = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", docPath).toDispatch(); selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch(); } /** *//** * 把选定的内容或插入点向上移动 * * @param pos 移动的距离 */ public void moveUp( int pos) { if (selection == null) selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch(); for ( int i = 0; i < pos; i++) Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveUp"); } /** *//** * 把选定的内容或者插入点向下移动 * * @param pos 移动的距离 */ public void moveDown( int pos) { if (selection == null) selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch(); for ( int i = 0; i < pos; i++) Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveDown"); } /** *//** * 把选定的内容或者插入点向左移动 * * @param pos 移动的距离 */ public void moveLeft( int pos) { if (selection == null) selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch(); for ( int i = 0; i < pos; i++) { Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveLeft"); } } /** *//** * 把选定的内容或者插入点向右移动 * * @param pos 移动的距离 */ public void moveRight( int pos) { if (selection == null) selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch(); for ( int i = 0; i < pos; i++) Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight"); } /** *//** * 把插入点移动到文件首位置 * */ public void moveStart() { if (selection == null) selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(selection, "HomeKey", new Variant(6)); } public void moveEnd() { if (selection == null) selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(selection, "EndKey", new Variant(6)); } /** *//** * 从选定内容或插入点开始查找文本 * * @param toFindText 要查找的文本 * @return boolean true-查找到并选中该文本,false-未查找到文本 */ public boolean find(String toFindText) { if (toFindText == null || toFindText.equals("")) return false; // 从selection所在位置开始查询 Dispatch find = word.call(selection, "Find").toDispatch(); // 设置要查找的内容 Dispatch.put(find, "Text", toFindText); // 向前查找 Dispatch.put(find, "Forward", "True"); // 设置格式 Dispatch.put(find, "Format", "True"); // 大小写匹配 Dispatch.put(find, "MatchCase", "True"); // 全字匹配 Dispatch.put(find, "MatchWholeWord", "True"); // 查找并选中 return Dispatch.call(find, "Execute").getBoolean(); } /** *//** * 把选定选定内容设定为替换文本 * * @param toFindText 查找字符串 * @param newText 要替换的内容 * @return */ public boolean replaceText(String toFindText, String newText) { if (!find(toFindText)) return false; Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", newText); return true; } /** *//** * 全局替换文本 * * @param toFindText 查找字符串 * @param newText 要替换的内容 */ public void replaceAllText(String toFindText, String newText) { while (find(toFindText)) { Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", newText); Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight"); } } /** *//** * 在当前插入点插入字符串 * * @param newText 要插入的新字符串 */ public void insertText(String newText) { Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", newText); } /** *//** * * @param toFindText 要查找的字符串 * @param imagePath 图片路径 * @return */ public boolean replaceImage(String toFindText, String imagePath) { if (!find(toFindText)) return false; Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection, "InLineShapes").toDispatch(), "AddPicture", imagePath); return true; } /** *//** * 全局替换图片 * * @param toFindText 查找字符串 * @param imagePath 图片路径 */ public void replaceAllImage(String toFindText, String imagePath) { while (find(toFindText)) { Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection, "InLineShapes").toDispatch(), "AddPicture", imagePath); Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight"); } } /** *//** * 在当前插入点插入图片 * * @param imagePath 图片路径 */ public void insertImage(String imagePath) { Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection, "InLineShapes").toDispatch(), "AddPicture", imagePath); } /** *//** * 合并单元格 * * @param tableIndex * @param fstCellRowIdx * @param fstCellColIdx * @param secCellRowIdx * @param secCellColIdx */ public void mergeCell( int tableIndex, int fstCellRowIdx, int fstCellColIdx, int secCellRowIdx, int secCellColIdx) { // 所有表格 Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); // 要填充的表格 Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex)) .toDispatch(); Dispatch fstCell = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell", new Variant(fstCellRowIdx), new Variant(fstCellColIdx)) .toDispatch(); Dispatch secCell = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell", new Variant(secCellRowIdx), new Variant(secCellColIdx)) .toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(fstCell, "Merge", secCell); } /** *//** * 在指定的单元格里填写数据 * * @param tableIndex * @param cellRowIdx * @param cellColIdx * @param txt */ public void putTxtToCell( int tableIndex, int cellRowIdx, int cellColIdx, String txt) { // 所有表格 Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); // 要填充的表格 Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex)) .toDispatch(); Dispatch cell = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell", new Variant(cellRowIdx), new Variant(cellColIdx)).toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(cell, "Select"); Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", txt); } /** *//** * 在当前文档拷贝数据 * * @param pos */ public void copy(String toCopyText) { moveStart(); if ( this.find(toCopyText)) { Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(textRange, "Copy"); } } /** *//** * 在当前文档粘帖剪贴板数据 * * @param pos */ public void paste(String pos) { moveStart(); if ( this.find(pos)) { Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste"); } } /** *//** * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝表格 * * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置 * @param tableIndex 被拷贝的表格在word文档中所处的位置 */ public void copyTable(String pos, int tableIndex) { Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex)) .toDispatch(); Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(table, "Range").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(range, "Copy"); if ( this.find(pos)) { Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste"); } } /** *//** * 在当前文档末尾拷贝来自另一个文档中的段落 * * @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径 * @param tableIndex 被拷贝的段落在另一格文档中的序号(从1开始) */ public void copyParagraphFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath, int paragraphIndex) { Dispatch wordContent = Dispatch.get(doc, "Content").toDispatch(); // 取得当前文档的内容 Dispatch.call(wordContent, "InsertAfter", "$selection$"); // 插入特殊符定位插入点 copyParagraphFromAnotherDoc(anotherDocPath, paragraphIndex, "$selection$"); } /** *//** * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的段落 * * @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径 * @param tableIndex 被拷贝的段落在另一格文档中的序号(从1开始) * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置 */ public void copyParagraphFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath, int paragraphIndex, String pos) { Dispatch doc2 = null; try { doc2 = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", anotherDocPath) .toDispatch(); Dispatch paragraphs = Dispatch.get(doc2, "Paragraphs").toDispatch(); Dispatch paragraph = Dispatch.call(paragraphs, "Item", new Variant(paragraphIndex)).toDispatch(); Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(paragraph, "Range").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(range, "Copy"); if ( this.find(pos)) { Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range") .toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (doc2 != null) { Dispatch.call(doc2, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit)); doc2 = null; } } } /** *//** * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的表格 * * @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径 * @param tableIndex 被拷贝的表格在另一格文档中的序号(从1开始) * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置 */ public void copyTableFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath, int tableIndex, String pos) { Dispatch doc2 = null; try { doc2 = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", anotherDocPath) .toDispatch(); Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc2, "Tables").toDispatch(); Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex)).toDispatch(); Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(table, "Range").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(range, "Copy"); if ( this.find(pos)) { Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range") .toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (doc2 != null) { Dispatch.call(doc2, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit)); doc2 = null; } } } /** *//** * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的图片 * * @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径 * @param shapeIndex 被拷贝的图片在另一格文档中的位置 * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置 */ public void copyImageFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath, int shapeIndex, String pos) { Dispatch doc2 = null; try { doc2 = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", anotherDocPath) .toDispatch(); Dispatch shapes = Dispatch.get(doc2, "InLineShapes").toDispatch(); Dispatch shape = Dispatch.call(shapes, "Item", new Variant(shapeIndex)).toDispatch(); Dispatch imageRange = Dispatch.get(shape, "Range").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(imageRange, "Copy"); if ( this.find(pos)) { Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range") .toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (doc2 != null) { Dispatch.call(doc2, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit)); doc2 = null; } } } /** *//** * 创建表格 * * @param pos 位置 * @param cols 列数 * @param rows 行数 */ public void createTable( int numCols, int numRows){ //(String pos, int numCols, int numRows) { // if (!find(pos)) { Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch(); Dispatch newTable = Dispatch.call(tables, "Add", range, new Variant(numRows), new Variant(numCols)).toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight"); moveEnd(); // } } /** *//** * 在指定行前面增加行 * * @param tableIndex word文件中的第N张表(从1开始) * @param rowIndex 指定行的序号(从1开始) */ public void addTableRow( int tableIndex, int rowIndex) { // 所有表格 Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); // 要填充的表格 Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex)) .toDispatch(); // 表格的所有行 Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch(); Dispatch row = Dispatch.call(rows, "Item", new Variant(rowIndex)) .toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(rows, "Add", new Variant(row)); } /** *//** * 在第1行前增加一行 * * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) */ public void addFirstTableRow( int tableIndex) { // 所有表格 Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); // 要填充的表格 Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex)) .toDispatch(); // 表格的所有行 Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch(); Dispatch row = Dispatch.get(rows, "First").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(rows, "Add", new Variant(row)); } /** *//** * 在最后1行前增加一行 * * @param tableIndex * word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) */ public void addLastTableRow( int tableIndex) { // 所有表格 Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); // 要填充的表格 Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex)) .toDispatch(); // 表格的所有行 Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch(); Dispatch row = Dispatch.get(rows, "Last").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(rows, "Add", new Variant(row)); } /** *//** * 增加一行 * * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) */ public void addRow( int tableIndex) { Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); // 要填充的表格 Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex)) .toDispatch(); // 表格的所有行 Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(rows, "Add"); } /** *//** * 增加一列 * * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) */ public void addCol( int tableIndex) { // 所有表格 Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); // 要填充的表格 Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex)) .toDispatch(); // 表格的所有行 Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(cols, "Add").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit"); } /** *//** * 在指定列前面增加表格的列 * * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) * @param colIndex 指定列的序号 (从1开始) */ public void addTableCol( int tableIndex, int colIndex) { // 所有表格 Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); // 要填充的表格 Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex)) .toDispatch(); // 表格的所有行 Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch(); System.out.println(Dispatch.get(cols, "Count")); Dispatch col = Dispatch.call(cols, "Item", new Variant(colIndex)) .toDispatch(); // Dispatch col = Dispatch.get(cols, "First").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(cols, "Add", col).toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit"); } /** *//** * 在第1列前增加一列 * * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) */ public void addFirstTableCol( int tableIndex) { Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); // 要填充的表格 Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex)) .toDispatch(); // 表格的所有行 Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch(); Dispatch col = Dispatch.get(cols, "First").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(cols, "Add", col).toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit"); } /** *//** * 在最后一列前增加一列 * * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) */ public void addLastTableCol( int tableIndex) { Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); // 要填充的表格 Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex)) .toDispatch(); // 表格的所有行 Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch(); Dispatch col = Dispatch.get(cols, "Last").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(cols, "Add", col).toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit"); } /** *//** * 自动调整表格 * */ public void autoFitTable() { Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); int count = Dispatch.get(tables, "Count").toInt(); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(i + 1)) .toDispatch(); Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit"); } } /** *//** * 调用word里的宏以调整表格的宽度,其中宏保存在document下 * */ public void callWordMacro() { Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch(); int count = Dispatch.get(tables, "Count").toInt(); Variant vMacroName = new Variant( "Normal.NewMacros.tableFit"); Variant vParam = new Variant( "param1"); Variant para[] = new Variant[] { vMacroName }; for ( int i = 0; i < para.length; i++) { Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(i + 1)) .toDispatch(); Dispatch.call(table, "Select"); Dispatch.call(word, "Run", "tableFitContent"); } } /** *//** * 设置当前选定内容的字体 * * @param boldSize * @param italicSize * @param underLineSize 下划线 * @param colorSize 字体颜色 * @param size 字体大小 * @param name 字体名称 */ public void setFont( boolean bold, boolean italic, boolean underLine, String colorSize, String size, String name) { Dispatch font = Dispatch.get(selection, "Font").toDispatch(); Dispatch.put(font, "Name", new Variant(name)); Dispatch.put(font, "Bold", new Variant(bold)); Dispatch.put(font, "Italic", new Variant(italic)); Dispatch.put(font, "Underline", new Variant(underLine)); Dispatch.put(font, "Color", colorSize); Dispatch.put(font, "Size", size); } /** *//** * 文件保存或另存为 * * @param savePath 保存或另存为路径 */ public void save(String savePath) { Dispatch.call( (Dispatch) Dispatch.call(word, "WordBasic").getDispatch(), "FileSaveAs", savePath); } /** *//** * 关闭当前word文档 * */ public void closeDocument() { if (doc != null) { Dispatch.call(doc, "Save"); Dispatch.call(doc, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit)); doc = null; } } /** *//** * 关闭全部应用 * */ public void close() { closeDocument(); if (word != null) { Dispatch.call(word, "Quit"); word = null; } selection = null; documents = null; } /** *//** * 打印当前word文档 * */ public void printFile() { if (doc != null) { Dispatch.call(doc, "PrintOut"); } } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { MSWordManager msWordManager = new MSWordManager( true); msWordManager.createNewDocument(); msWordManager.insertText( "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); msWordManager.moveEnd(); msWordManager.close(); } }
package com.test; public class T { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub MSWordManager ms= new MSWordManager( true); //生成一个MSwordManager对象,并且设置显示Word程序 ms.createNewDocument(); //创建一个新的.doc文件 ms.insertText( "Test jacob"); //插入文本 ms.save( "c:\\1.doc"); //保存.doc文件 ms.close(); ms.closeDocument(); } }
数据库依然是DB2 9.5 ,用户名db2admin 密码abc 表名admin
package com.dao; import java.util.List; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { AdminDAO dao = new AdminDAO(); List list = dao.findAll(); MSWordManager ms= new MSWordManager( false); ms.createNewDocument(); for ( int i=1;i<=list.size();i++){ Admin admin = (Admin)list.get(1); ms.insertText(admin.getName()); ms.insertText( "本文章由jacob自动生成"); ms.moveEnd(); } ms.save( "c:\\1.doc"); ms.closeDocument(); ms.close(); } }
这就是Java利用开源工具jacob操作Microsoft Word,至于其他MS Office软件,我会在以后的文章中继续发布。
下次我们一起看看用POI操作Microsoft Word。
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